【Company Research】China Auto Sector–Jul NEV: All-time high sales for seven brands
Weak 2H22 as expected; IoT/auto CCM poised to drive recovery in 2023
策略:H股;百度:O2O野心; GCL / Prada / Autos; CKI / PAH合并
NDR takeaways:a bumpy 1H23 ahead; Auto/VR/ AR business to drive long-term growth
Semi–China CIS sector–Solid auto CIS growth offset by weak mobile CIS demand
信贷资产证券化2023年度展望:信贷资产证券化发行需求回落,产品构成以Auto ABS和NPL为主;疫情影响零售资产拖欠率和早偿率,但整体风险可控,继续关注防疫政策优化调整后资产的信用表现
China Auto Sector: Jul discount: Chinese narrowed, foreign widened
How 5G Is Driving the Auto Industry Forward
Auto: Stable discounts imply resilient 3Q earnings