Predicting STEM Achievement: A Comparative Study of ACT Scores and High School GPA
Mosaic by ACT: Social Emotional Learning Screener Technical Manual
In The Know: EU Listing Act: Changing EU capital markets for the better
PreACT-Tested Students in the 2024 ACT-Tested Graduating Class: A Summary of Performance and Growth
All 2.37 million Californians in the individual market will face higher premiums if Congress does not act by 2025
Predictive Validity of High School GPA and ACT Composite Score on Graduating College GPA: Examining First-Year College GPA as a Mediator
ACT Now: How the Advanced Clean Trucks Rule Will Impact the Electric Grid and Fleets
Your Work, Your Data: A Toolkit for Exercising Worker Data Rights Under the California Consumer Privacy Act
A Synthesis of ACT Research Examining COVIDs Impact on College Readiness, Career Plans, and Prediction of College Success