2021年电新行业周报1月第1期:国产特斯拉 Model Y降价,进一步推动新能源车渗透率提升
Research Report on Governance Modernization in the Digital Age: Practice and Prospects for the Application of Large Models in the Government Domain (2023)
特斯拉发布Model 3焕新版
电力设备与新能源行业周观察:铁锂版Model 3进入推荐目录,5月组件出口规模环比改善
WHO Global Model Regulatory Framework for medical devices including in vitro diagnostic medical devices, Annex 3
国君机械|Alef试飞飞行汽车Model A,兼具陆地行驶与飞行
(Q)SAR Assessment Framework: Guidance for the regulatory assessment of (Quantitative) Structure Activity Relationship models and predictions, Second Edition
3Q miss; new models, cost cut as key in FY25
电力设备与新能源行业研究:抢装超预期支撑Q1光伏需求,Model Y锁定爆款