Shared Problem, Shared Solution: Benefits from Fiscal-Monetary Interactions in the Euro Area
Private Management of African Protected Areas Improves Wildlife and Tourism Outcomes but With Security Concerns in Conflict Regions
E-commerce Revolution in India: Driving Growth in Rural Areas and Reshaping Consumer Behaviour
Benchmarking Demographic Diversity in Air Force Functional Areas Against Near-Equivalent Civilians: The Air Force Occupational Diversity Benchmarking Workbooks
European Economics Analyst: Euro Area Outlook 2024: Fading Headwinds
Okun in the Euro: New Evidence from Structural Okun Law’s Estimates for the Euro Area, 1979-2019
Management of hazardous substances in port areas
Carbon Prices and Inflation in the Euro Area
A Comprehensive Macroeconomic Uncertainty Measure for the Euro Area and its Implications to COVID-19
Social Protection Inclusion in Indonesia’s Remote Areas - Identifying and Addressing Gaps and Challenges