Gender Diversity and Corporate Resilience to Climate Change: Evidence from Greenfield Investments
Okun in the Euro: New Evidence from Structural Okun Law’s Estimates for the Euro Area, 1979-2019
Transitioning to a Greener Labor Market: Cross-Country Evidence from Microdata
The Impact of Climate Policy on Oil and Gas Investment: Evidence from Firm-Level Data
Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa Fragile States: Evidence from Panel Estimations
How Redistributive Is Fiscal Policy in China? New Evidence on the Distributional Impacts of Taxes and Spending
Pandemic, Poverty, and Inequality: Evidence from India
Is Escaping the Fiscal Pro-Cyclicality Trap Possible? Evidence from the Middle East and North Africa
Capital Controls on Outflows: New Evidence and a Theoretical Framework
How Does Social Protection Impact Social Cohesion in the Sahel? A Review of Existing Evidence and Gaps