Do Capital Incentives Distort Technology Diffusion? Evidence on Cloud, Big Data and AI
Okun in the Euro: New Evidence from Structural Okun Law’s Estimates for the Euro Area, 1979-2019
Is High Debt Constraining Monetary Policy? Evidence from Inflation Expectations
Technical consultation to assess evidence on community-based delivery of intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy for malaria
New Evidence on Spillovers Between Crypto Assets and Financial Markets
Geospatial Evidence in International Human Rights Litigation: Technical and Legal Considerations
How Does Social Protection Impact Social Cohesion in the Sahel? A Review of Existing Evidence and Gaps
Digitalization and Tax Compliance Spillovers: Evidence from a VAT e-Invoicing Reform in Peru
Is Escaping the Fiscal Pro-Cyclicality Trap Possible? Evidence from the Middle East and North Africa
Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa Fragile States: Evidence from Panel Estimations