Wage and Inflation Dynamics in Denmark
Minimum Wage Policy and Poverty in Indonesia
Unraveling the Wage-Output Disconnect: The Role of Labor Market Power
Handbook on due diligence for enabling living incomes and living wages in agriculture, garment and footwear supply chains
Estimating the impact of California’s $20 fast-food minimum wage on Medi-Cal eligibility
Methodological Appendix for Estimating the impact of California’s $20 fast-food minimum wage on Medi-Cal eligibility
Minimum Wages, Inequality, and the Informal Sector
California health care minimum wage: New estimates for impacts on workers, patients, and the state budget
Simulating Aggregate and Distributional Effects of Minimum Wage Increases in Romania
Govt Announces New Counter- Inflation Measures: Earlier Positive Real Wage Growth Possible