Financial Conditions in Europe: Dynamics, Drivers, and Macroeconomic Implications
A Comprehensive Macroeconomic Uncertainty Measure for the Euro Area and its Implications to COVID-19
Deep Dive on the Climate Transition for France: Macroeconomic Implications, Fiscal Policies, and Financial Risks
Understanding the Macroeconomic Effects of Natural Disasters
COLOMBIA: Autonomous Committee for the Fiscal Rule Macroeconomic Framework Technical Assistance: Scoping Mission Report
The Macroeconomic Returns of Investment in Resilience to Natural Disasters under Climate Change: A DSGE Approach
Hanging Out to Dry? Long-term Macroeconomic Effects of Drought in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States
The Macroeconomic Consequences of Import Tariffs and Trade Policy Uncertainty
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Technical Assistance Report-Technical Assistance to Develop a Macroeconomic Framework at the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina