1Q24 beat on strong music business growth and GPM expansion
–NDR takeaways:Strong order backlog in 2H23E; Solid pipeline to drive growth into FY24/25E
China Technology Sector – Apple FY2Q23 beat on strong iPhone and EM; Positive on resilient performance amid headwinds
Strong mobile games and ad businesses support solid 3Q24 results
Strong core music business supports 1Q23 earnings beat
Strong hospital business
Strong sales in Q3, with a narrowed net loss
–1H23E Preview: strong growth despite industry headwinds; expect back-loaded in 2H23E
Avnet Inc.:Strong execution offset by early signs of a cyclical downturn; FY2Q EPSrecap
7M24 Monthly: Life momentum kept strong;P&C edged up by auto & non-auto rebounds